grpl cli Documentation – 0.2.113
2. grpl
Displays help menu of grpl cli
grpl [command]
i or install Installation c or cluster Cluster commands e or example Example commands v or version List version u or upgrade Upgrade grpl a or app or application Initialize grpl application d or dev Devspace Dev doc Documentation grapi Grapi commands gruim Gruim commands * Help menu
grpl i [commands] or grpl install [commands] grpl c [commands] or grpl cluster [commands] grpl e [commands] or grpl example [commands] grpl v [commands] or grpl version [commands] grpl u [commands] or grpl upgrade [commands] grpl a [commands] or grpl app [commands] or grpl application [commands] grpl d [commands] or grpl dev [commands] grpl grapi [commands] grpl gruim [commands] grpl doc [commands] grpl *
3. grpl application
Displays help menu of grpl application
grpl application [command]
i or init Initialize new grpl application * Help menu
grpl a i or grpl app init or grpl application init grpl a * or grpl app * or grpl application *
3.1. grpl application init
Initializes a new grapple application
grpl application init [command]
h or help Help menu * to Initialize a grpl application
grpl a i h or grpl app init help or grpl application init help grpl a i * or grpl app init * or grpl application init *
PROJECT_NAME=Name of the project AUTO_CONFIRM='false' / 'true'
4. grpl cluster
Displays help menu of grpl cluster
grpl cluster [command]
s or status Cluster status i or install Cluster installation c or create Cluster creation * Help menu
grpl c s or grpl cluster status grpl c i or grpl cluster install grpl c c or grpl cluster create grpl c * or grpl cluster *
4.1. grpl cluster create
Creates cluster in specificed provider
grpl cluster create [command]
h or help Help menu * to create cluster
grpl c c h or grpl cluster create help grpl c c * or grpl cluster create *
4.2. grpl cluster install
Installs grapple in specificed cluster
grpl cluster install [command]
Usage with params from cli:
grpl cluster install --params --= e.g grpl cluster install --params --GRAPPLE_VERSION=0.2.1 OR grpl cluster install --params -- e.g grpl cluster install --params --GRAPPLE_VERSION 0.2.1
Usage with params from configfile:
grpl cluster install --configfile.json e.g grpl cluster install --configfile grpl-config.json
Usage with values yaml:
grpl cluster install --values.yaml .yaml e.g grpl cluster install --values config-values.yaml config-values2.yaml
h or help Help menu * to install cluster
grpl c i h or grpl cluster install help grpl c i * or grpl cluster install *
TARGET_PLATFORM=CIVO / Kubernetes / minikube / Kubefirst # general configurations GRAPPLE_VERSION = version of the grapple deployment (e.g. '0.2.0' or '0.2.1') AUTO_CONFIRM='false' / 'true' EMAIL = email ORGANIZATION = organization # kubernetes related configurations KUBE_CONTEXT=kubernetes context, if its set to currnet then it will use current kubectl context # minikube related configurations # no additional configurations # CIVO related configurations CIVO_REGION=Available CIVO regions (e.g. FRA1) CIVO_CLUSTER=CIVO cluster CIVO_CLUSTER_ID=CIVO cluster ID CIVO_EMAIL_ADDRESS=email address of your CIVO account CIVO_API_KEY=api key of your CIVO account CLUSTER_IP= Cluster IP address KUBEFIRST_CLOUD_PROVIDER = cloud provider for kubefirst KUBEFIRST_CLOUD_REGION = cloud region of kubefirst cloud provider KUBEFIRST_CLUSTER_ID = cluster id of kubefirst cluster KUBEFIRST_CLUSTER_NAME = cluster name for kubefirst cluster GITHUB_USERNAME = github username GITLAB_USERNAME = gitlab username
4.3. grpl cluster status
Displays status of the cluster
grpl cluster status [command]
h or help Help menu * to get cluster status
grpl c s h or grpl cluster status help grpl c s * or grpl cluster status *
5. grpl example
Displays help menu of grpl example
grpl example [command]
s or status status of example d or deploy deploy an example * Help menu
grpl e s or grpl example status grpl e d or grpl example deploy grpl e * or grpl example *
5.1. grpl example deploy
Deploys grapple example using specified template
grpl example deploy [command]
Usage with params from cli:
grpl example deploy --params --= e.g grpl example deploy --params --GRAS_TEMPLATE=db-file
Usage with params from configfile:
grpl example deploy --configfile.json e.g grpl example deploy --configfile grpl-config.json
h or help Help menu * to get deploy example test-cases
grpl e d h or grpl example deploy help grpl e d * or grpl example deploy *
GRAS_TEMPLATE: gras template e.g db-file, etc DB_TYPE: db type it can either internal or external KUBE_CONTEXT: kubectl context you want to use, if its set to current then it will use current kubectl context
5.2. grpl example status
Displays status of the grapple example deployment
grpl example status [command]
h or help Help menu * to get example status
grpl e s h or grpl example status help grpl e s * or grpl example status *
6. grpl resource
Displays help menu for grpl resource
grpl resource [command]
d or deploy to deploy a grpl template r or render to render a grpl template * Help menu
grpl r d or grpl resource deploy grpl r r or grpl resource render grpl r * or grpl resource *
6.1. grpl resource deploy
Deploy a grapple resource with respect to specified gras template
grpl resource deploy [command]
Usage with params from cli:
grpl resource deploy --params --= e.g grpl resource deploy --params --GRAS_TEMPLATE=db-file OR grpl resource deploy --params -- e.g grpl resource deploy --params --GRAS_TEMPLATE=db-file
Usage with params from configfile:
grpl resource deploy --configfile.json e.g grpl resource deploy --configfile grpl-config.json
h or help Help menu * to deploy grpl template
grpl r d h or grpl resource deploy help grpl r d * or grpl resource deploy *
KUBE_CONTEXT: kubectl context you want to use, if its set to current then it will use current kubectl context GRAS_NAME: name of the project GRAS_TEMPLATE: gras template e.g db-file, etc SOURCE_DATA: source of the data DB_FILE_PATH: path where data is stored, default path is /data/db.json DB_TYPE: db type it can either internal or external ENABLE_GRUIM: to enable gruim, it can either be Yes or No MODELS: input of models RELATIONS: models relations KUBE_NS: namespace to deploy gras, default ns is 'default' DATASOURCES: data sources configs DISCOVERIES: discoveries configs DATABASE_SCHEMA: database schema you want to use AUTO_DISCOVERY: to enable auto discovery
7. grpl install
Displays help menu of grpl install
grpl install [command]
8. grpl upgrade
Displays help menu of grpl upgrade
grpl upgrade [command]
h or help Help menu * to upgrade
grpl u h or grpl upgrade help grpl u * or grpl upgrade *
9. grpl version
Displays help menu of grpl version
grpl version [command]
h or help Help menu * to get version details
grpl v h or grpl version help grpl v * or grpl version *
10. grpl dev
Displays help menu for grpl dev
grpl dev [command]
h or help Help menu add Adds something to devspace.yaml analyze Analyzes a kubernetes namespace and checks for potential problems attach Attaches to a container build Builds all defined images and pushes them cleanup Cleans up resources completion Outputs shell completion for the given shell (bash or zsh) deploy Deploys the project enter Open a shell to a container init Initializes DevSpace in the current folder list Lists configuration logs Prints the logs of a pod and attaches to it open Opens the space in the browser print Prints displays the configuration purge Deletes deployed resources remove Removes devspace configuration render Builds all defined images and shows the yamls that would be deployed reset Resets an cluster token restart Restarts containers where the sync restart helper is injected run Executes a predefined command run-pipeline Starts a DevSpace pipeline set Sets global configuration changes sync Starts a bi-directional sync between the target container and the local path ui Opens the localhost UI in the browser update Updates the current config upgrade Upgrades the DevSpace CLI to the newest version use Uses specific config version Prints version of devspace ns to get namespace help menu nsto set namespace for grapple enter grapi to enter grapi container enter gruim to enter grapi container
–debug Prints the stack trace if an error occurs
–disable-profile-activation If true will ignore all profile activations
-h, –help help for devspace
–inactivity-timeout int Minutes the current user is inactive (no mouse or keyboard interaction) until DevSpace will exit automatically. 0 to disable. Only supported on windows and mac operating systems
–kube-context string The kubernetes context to use
–kubeconfig string The kubeconfig path to use
-n, –namespace string The kubernetes namespace to use
–no-colors Do not show color highlighting in log output. This avoids invisible output with different terminal background colors
–no-warn If true does not show any warning when deploying into a different namespace or kube-context than before
–override-name string If specified will override the DevSpace project name provided in the devspace.yaml
-p, –profile strings The DevSpace profiles to apply. Multiple profiles are applied in the order they are specified
–silent Run in silent mode and prevents any devspace log output except panics & fatals
-s, –switch-context Switches and uses the last kube context and namespace that was used to deploy the DevSpace project
–var strings Variables to override during execution (e.g. –var=MYVAR=MYVALUE)
-v, –version version for devspace
grpl dev h or grpl dev help grpl dev grpl dev add grpl dev analyze grpl dev attach grpl dev build grpl dev cleanup grpl dev completion grpl dev deploy grpl dev enter grpl dev init grpl dev list grpl dev logs grpl dev open grpl dev print grpl dev purge grpl dev remove grpl dev render grpl dev reset grpl dev restart grpl dev run grpl dev run-pipeline grpl dev set grpl dev sync grpl dev ui grpl dev update grpl dev upgrade grpl dev use grpl dev version grpl dev ns grpl dev ns grapple-namespace grpl dev enter grapi grpl dev enter gruim
11. grpl grapi
Displays help menu for grpl grapi
grpl grapi [command]
h or help Help menu grapi migrate-db to migrate db grapi --help to get list of grapi commands grapito run any grapi command
grpl grapi h or grpl grapi help or grpl grapi grpl grapi migrate-db grpl grapi --help grpl grapi
12. grpl gruim
Displays help menu for grpl gruim
grpl gruim [command]
h or help Help menu gruim rebuild to rebuild gruim gruim --help to get list of gruim commands gruimto run any gruim command
grpl gruim h or grpl gruim help or grpl gruim grpl gruim rebuild grpl gruim --help grpl gruim
13. grpl license
Displays help menu of grpl license
grpl license [command]
h or help Help menu i or install to install license r or remove to remove license s or status to get license status
grpl l h or grpl lic h or grpl license help grpl l i or grpl lic i or grpl license install grpl l r or grpl lic r or grpl license remove grpl l s or grpl lic s or grpl license status
13.1. grpl license install
Displays help menu of grpl license install
grpl license install [command]
h or help Help menu * to install license
grpl l i h or grpl lic i h or grpl license install help grpl l i or grpl lic i or grpl license install
13.2. grpl license remove
Displays help menu of grpl license remove
grpl license remove [command]
h or help Help menu * to remove license
grpl l i h or grpl lic i h or grpl license install help grpl l r or grpl lic r or grpl license remove
13.3. grpl license status
Displays help menu of grpl license status
grpl license status [command]
h or help Help menu * to get license status
grpl l i h or grpl lic i h or grpl license install help grpl l s or grpl lic s or grpl license status